Wednesday, June 11, 2014

update June 11th

Hi everyone, First time available to wifi. Sorry for the delay. So much has happened since we arrived. Just finished our third day of the Pastors Conference. 220 people are attending. We are all pretty tired. Long days short nights but we love being spent for Jesus. Highly productive time with some beautiful people who love God and are eager to learn. It's been Amazing!
It is humbling to be used by God in such profound ways. Dave and Al have been extremely well received and their testimonies were very engaging.
Food is awesome and plentiful. We have been made to feel loved and most welcome. We are all feeling great and healthy. The balance of our luggage finally arrived yesterday (yes, Tuesday :) ) so we now have the rest of our clothes and ministry supplies.
Weather is a very enjoyable 80 degrees and the cool breezes coming off beautiful Lake Kivu at night have been super refreshing.
We are looking forward to the crusade this weekend. They are advertising on the radio and expecting a pretty large crowd, perhaps exceeding 7k. Please pray with us for a large harvest.


  1. Been praying for you all week. Kinda of wish I was there. I realize you will be meeting with the leadership team to discuss income generating projects. Could I add 2 cents please. My folks were there from 1967 to 1980. When the church was young. Dad always wondered if a brick making machine and "baking kiln" would be a huge help in building churches and producing income. Bricks were expensive because wood and charcoal cost a premium. But now that Methane gas is produced just 10km down from your hotel. Why not a gas fired kiln...owned and operated by ESM. A brick costs 6 cents each then. I am sure it is much more now. But Rwanda's red earth makes a great brick. Well, I'm still praying for today's rally, come home safely.
