Friday, June 6, 2014

update June 6th

An update to our adventure. We are still on the ground in phoenix at this writing, 10:00 this am. New plane. New route. Got to point of takeoff and plane halted. Bad navigation computer. Returned to gate now awaiting repair. ☺ good news is that we have a good lay over in Chicago so hopefully no more trip schedule adjustments. We get to spend the night in Doha, Qatar which will bring a blessing of rest prior to our arrival in Kigali. Emmanuel is aware of change and is making the necessary changes in our ground and ministry schedule. All these events bring new meaning to the "adventure" of mission. God is awesome and faithful. Looks like we are about to now leave Phoenix, 10:15am. Given new clearance. Bye for now. Greg


  1. We are praying!! Praise God that there are never any surprises in HIS itinerary.

  2. Praying for you guys. Here is a blessing. The road from Kigali to Gisenyi is PAVED! 3 hours sure beats 6 hours when it was a dirt road.

  3. And now to Him Who can keep you on your feet, standing tall in His bright presence, fresh and celebrating,-to our One God, our only Savior through Jesus Christ, our Master, be glory, majesty, strength and rule.. Jude 1.24 the Message
